2. Unhook at first a negative side of the accumulator battery, then positive.
3. Remove a mantle of racks (engines V16A2, В16А4, В16А5, В16А6).

Engines D14A3, D14A4, D15Z4, D15Z5, D16Y7:
1. Remove the resonator and an inlet air vent.

1. Unhook a socket of a temperature detector of air on an admission, then remove an inlet air vent and the air filter case.

7. Unhook a socket of a wiring harness of the engine.

8. Dump pressure of fuel, to slacken a technological bolt on a fuel filter approximately one turn.
Do not smoke at work on a fuel system. Hold an open flame far from work area. Merge fuel in suitable capacity.
9. Remove a hose of system of removal of steams of fuel from the inlet pipe duct and a fuel hose.
Engines D14A3, D14A4, D15Z4, D15Z5, D16Y7:

3 - a technological bolt; 4 - hollow disks; 5 - a hollow disk; 6 - a fuel hose.
Except engines D14A3, D14A4, D15Z4, DD15Z5, D16Y7:

6-hose of system of removal of steams of fuel from the inlet pipe duct.
10. Remove a vacuum hose of the vacuum servo of brakes, a hose of return of fuel and a vacuum hose.
Engines D14A3, D14A4, D15Z4, D15Z5, D16Y7:

Except engines D14A3, D14A4, D15Z4, D15Z5, D16Y7:

11. Unhook sockets ESM/RSM.
12. Unhook the basic socket of a wiring harness.
13. Remove isolating boot and wiring harness clamps, then remove sockets ESM/RSM.

14. Remove a belt of a drive gear of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering and the pump.
ATTENTION: do not unhook hoses from the hydraulic booster pump.
Engines V16A2. В16А4, В16А5. В16А6:
1. Remove an adjusting bolt and fastening bolts, then remove a belt of a drive gear of the pump of the hydraulic booster and the pump. Engines V16A2, В16А4, В16А5, В16А6:

Except engines V16A2, В16А4, В16А5, В16А6:
1. Remove a bolt of fastening and fixing bolt, then remove a belt of a drive gear of the pump of the hydraulic booster and the pump.
Except engines V16A2. В16А4. В16А5, В16А6:

2 - a belt of a drive gear of the pump of the hydraulic booster;
3 - a fixing bolt.
15. Remove a belt of a drive gear of the compressor of the air conditioner. Engines V16A2. В16А4. В16А5. В16А6:
1. To slacken a bolt of a bracket of a roller and an adjusting bolt, then remove a belt at water of the compressor of the air conditioner. Engines V16A2. В16А4. В16А5, В16А6:

2 - a bolt of a bracket of a roller;
3 - a belt of a drive gear of the compressor of the air conditioner.
Except engines V16A2, В16А4, В16А5, В16А6:
1. To slacken the central nut of a roller and an adjusting bolt, then remove a belt of a drive gear of the compressor of the air conditioner. Except engines V16A2. В16А4. В16А5, В16А6:

2 - the central nut of a roller;
3 - a belt of a drive gear of the compressor of the air conditioner.
16. Remove a cable of a drive gear of a throttle valve, to slacken a lock nut, then take the end of a cable from sector.
ATTENTION: Do not bend a cable at removal of it. Always replace the damaged cable new. Adjust a cable of a drive gear of a throttle valve at assembly. Engines D14A3, D14A4, D15Z4, D15Z5, D16Y7:

2 - an adjusting nut;
3 - a cable of a drive gear of a throttle valve.
Except engines D14A3, D14A4, D15Z4, D15Z5, D16Y7:

2 - a lock nut;
3 - an adjusting nut.
17. Remove a clutch working cylinder in gathering with a tube and a hose (a mechanical check point).
ATTENTION: Do not unhook a tube. Do not press a clutch pedal, at a remote working cylinder. Do not bend a tube.

18. Remove an earth wire of a gear box and a hose loose strap.

19. Remove a steering cable (CVT/HONDA MULTI MATIC).

20. Unhook a socket of the gauge of change of effort on a steering wheel depending on speed of movement, and remove a wiring harness clamp.

21. Remove a radiator cover. At removal of a cover of a radiator wait before drop of temperature of a cooling fluid to avoid a burn.
22. To hoist the hoist on full height.
23. Remove front wheels and crankcase protection.

24. Merge a cooling fluid.
25. Merge a transmission oil or a liquid. Repeatedly establish a drain plug, using a new hollow disk.
26. Merge engine oil. Repeatedly establish a drain bolt, using a new hollow disk.
27. Remove a shift rod and a longitudinal rod (a mechanical check point).

28. Remove a steering cable (Models from an automatic check point).
ATTENTION: Do not bend a cable. Always replace the damaged cable new. Adjust a cable at assembly.

29. Remove the air conditioner compressor.
ATTENTION: do not unhook hoses of the compressor of the air conditioner.

30. (Engines V16A2, В16А4, В16А5) Unhook a socket of the warmed up oxygen gauge.
31. Remove an exhaust pipe And.

2-layer pads; 3 - a layer pad; 4 - a nut;
5 exhaust pipe And; 6 - a nut.
32. Remove the right plug of the absorber.
33. Unhook spherical hinges of a lower arm of a suspender.
34. Remove power shafts.
35. Lower the hoist.
36. Remove the top and bottom radiator hoses, and also a heater hose.

3-hose of a heater; 4 - the bottom radiator hose.
37. Remove hoses of a cooler of a working liquid of an automatic gear box, then blank off hoses a tube (models from an automatic check point. CVT/HONDA MULTI MATIC).

38. Connect winch fastening to hooks of lifting of the engine.
Engines D15Z5, D15Z6, D16Y5 (models КЕ, KG), D16Y7:
1 - layer pads; 2 - a nut;
3 - an exhaust pipe And; 4 - a nut.

40. Remove a rear bearing part.

41. Remove the top bracket.

42. Remove a bracket of fastening of a gear box, then remove a gear box bearing part.

43. Check up, that before removal of the engine you have unhooked all hoses and sockets which can prevent removal.
44. Slowly hoist the engine approximately 150 mm. Check up once again. That all hoses and wires have been unhooked from the engine/gear box.
45. Completely hoist the engine, and remove it from the car.