All that will be told concerns all models of Honda irrespective of year of manufacture further.P.S. It is not necessary to listen to those who will confirm that it goes with protection for a long time already. You recollect my words when the motor of your car will overheat.
Radiator air intakes are located low, at car movement under the bottom the zone with the raised pressure is formed. Protection installation will break ventilation of a motor compartment and will lead to an engine OVERHEAT. It not simply my personal opinion it is supported by the official answer of service department of Honda to this important enough for many a question. To all I advise to choose speed corresponding to road conditions, and those who would like to go on stubs in wood should think of purchase of one more, more suitable to these purposes of the car.
P.S.S. At all models it is established powerful front cross-section, and also the longitudinal beam which perfectly protects the engine from damages.