
Why pads and how with it to struggle non-uniformly wear out?

honda spare partsFront brakes on the majority of cars of mark Honda (and not only) have a design with one brake cylinder in a caliper. At such design that by means of one cylinder to press two pads to a brake plate, pads should is in a metal buckle. I.e. the brake cylinder presses the bucket on one of pads, and a rear on a buckle which being displaced presses the second pad to a disk. It is clear, that this buckle should not be fixed rigidly, and should have possibility of free conveyance. (So-called " The floating buckle ") For this purpose, a buckle fastens to a swivel member through directing on which it should move. Guiding are greased by special lubricant and are protected duster from moisture and dirt hit. From time, deterioration and wrong repair leakproofness duster can be broken, the dirt and water gets to the directing, and they start"to sour". Even when this process only begins, work of brakes is already broken, and if he has had time to come far enough to restore working capacity of this knot sometimes happens absolutely uneasy. From the point of view of the driver, this failure can be shown differently. Brakes start to work at more pressing a pedal, there can be extraneous sounds, pads will non-uniformly wear out. And non-uniformity can be different character - deterioration of one pad much more, than another at"souring"of both directing, and deterioration of pads under a corner, at "souring"of one of them.
After you turn off two bolts of fastening directing, you can remove a buckle with a brake cylinder, covering brake blocks. Each guiding represents the barrel in which the bolt is twisted and on which ends are put on dusters. This barrel should move freely (fingers) along the shaft concerning a buckle. If it does not occur, it is necessary for backing out improvised means, not having damaged. Do not try to remove duster, not having taken out a guide bush - it has a special design, being simultaneously and an epiploon and to remove it not having taken out a guide bush it is impossible. Besides, dusters it is made of rubber which is not oilprotection, therefore it cannot be washed out gasoline or other solvents. Because of it to grease this knot it is possible ONLY lubricant specially intended for it. That this knot has started to work normally and has got though any reliability, it is desirable to replace dustera. It is not so expensive. After clearing of details, lubricant and assemblies guiding should move freely hands, and the buckle with directing can be established into place.
Wrong replacement of brake blocks can be a partial cause of defect of this knot. At correct replacement of brake blocks, it is necessary to remove this buckle, at the same time checking the directing. It allows to define in time necessity of their dismantling and lubricant. Some, at replacement of pads remove a caliper entirely, leaving guiding to "sour" further. And it is unequivocal, absolutely imperceptible damage dusters pads directing at replacement can be the "souring" reason even.
It is necessary to apply to lubricant only special high-temperature (not less than 200 C) lubricant since brakes strongly heat up, it usually happens in the repair complete set of calipers or is on sale separately.

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