How often to change oil in the VARIATOR?
Time in two years or through 40 thousand km.
What oil to pour into the VARIATOR?
In the European models special oil for a variator from HONDA CVT flows, in Japanese (right-hand drive) it is possible to pour HONDA ATF Premium. Besides, on a probe in a variator oil which in it flows should be registered.
Questions on oil replacement in the Mechanical Gear box
How often to change oil in the Mechanical Gear box?
In normal conditions of times in two years or through 40 thousand km.,
At rigid operation of times in a year or through 25 thousand km.
What oil to pour into the Mechanical Gear box?
In all Hondas to 94г in the Gear box engine oil with viscosity 10w40 known firms flows, with 94г special oil MTF - "for manual gear boxes" from Honda flows. Considering a climate and specificity of Honda whenever possible it is desirable to replace engine oil in a check point on МТF and by cars TO 94г. Well, and for the lack of МТF - to pour engine oil, but only into cars TO 94г in, later - ONLY МТF.
How often to change the Cooling fluid (antifreeze)?
Time in two years or through 40 thousand in km. If it is standard "dark blue" or "green" antifreeze
And time in 100 thousand or 5 years "red" TEXACO.
There is a weight for a long time the proved firms, not one year selling on the market (and in the world) the products.
Buying their products you will not lose, and will not be mistaken. I will notice, that TEXACO does "red antifreeze", it does not mix up with "green" or "dark blue" and serves twice longer. Other firms exhaust usually "dark blue" or "green" antifreezes, not the worst quality, and besides interchangeable / mixed among themselves.
I do not recommend to use MANNOL.
Questions on oil replacement in the Automatic Gear box
What interval oil in the Automatic Gear box varies?
Term of replacement of oil depends on type to the Automatic Gear box, and, usually, under normal conditions operation is recommended to change it through 70 thousand kilometres of run of the car (or in 2 years), and through 25 thousand kilometres (or in 1 year) if service conditions are distinct from normal (a hot climate, a cold climate, operation in the conditions of a megacity, constant operation of the car with full loading, etc.). To adhere to replacement target dates follows, if while in service there is no considerable change of quality of oil or you did not get to movement close conditions (have got stuck, long towed other car, etc.). In case of dimness of oil and or acquisitions of a burnt smell it is necessary to replace by it, not waiting planned term of replacement.
How many it is necessary to fill in oils in the Automatic Gear box?
Depending on type, the Automatic Gear box can contain from 4,2 litres (DAIHATSU TERIOS) to 15,5 litres ATF (FORD EXPEDITION). It is necessary to mean, that at replacement merges far do not weigh oil volume. The oil part remains in control system ports, and, besides, is far not all transformers have plugs for plum from them oils. Therefore at an oil drain its part remains in the Automatic Gear box, but it is considered admissible. If you wish to replace completely oil it is necessary two or triple replacement of oil.
What oil to pour in the Automatic Gear box?
dextron 2 (mineral) or dextron 3 (synthetic) from MOBIL, CASTROL, ELF, TEXACO, BP, ESSO, LIQUI MOLY, MOTUL, RAVENOL, SELENIA, SHELL, TOTAL, etc.
It is not recommended to pour MANNOL.
How to replace oil in the Automatic Gear box?
Merge through a drain plug old oil (its part merges ALWAYS only - full single change is impossible) and fill in new through a jellied bore,
Then check up level (see previous article).
Attention: on some cars in the Automatic Gear box there is an oil filter, it is necessary for changing at each replacement of oil.
How to check up an oil level in the Automatic Gear box?
For cars Honda and Acura the oil level is checked at the blanked off engine after achievement of temperature of oil of a working temperature. On a probe for oil measurement in the Automatic Gear box, as a rule, there are some labels. Two top, and sometimes and unique, correspond to an oil normal level, to warm up to a working temperature (90°С). Often this site of a probe is noted by a notch and-or inscription HOT. That oil in the Automatic Gear box has got warm to a working temperature it is necessary to pass kilometres 15-20. After oil warming up in the Automatic Gear box establish the car on an equal, horizontal platform. Pull out a probe from the Automatic Gear box, and dry wipe it. Then insert a probe back into a tube for a probe against the stop and again take. The lowermost, dry place on a probe also will correspond to oil level in the Automatic Gear box. Sometimes on a probe is also the bottom labels corresponding to level of the cold. This label is intended for approximate definition of quantity of the filled in oil in case of its replacement.
What to pour into the steering booster?
To pour only Honda PSF (power steering fluid). IN NO EVENT it is impossible to pour ATF as sometimes recommend some services.
Hydraulic booster Honda PSF liquid happens several kinds, but Hondas (Rovers) love only original liquid Honda PSF. Priming (having added) other liquid in the Hydraulic booster is fraught with consequences if to go not for long, epiploons of the helmsman m will begin to flow, the epiploon costs cents, and work on replacement uneasy (at Accord CE and Civic MA in general it is impossible that the steer does not understand). If to go longer, up to failure of pump Gidro of the Booster. But the liquid happens different: the first - liquids "as the spare part" are liquids in packings of 1 and 4 litres, manufactures Japan, the price nearby 20$, other liquid - manufactures USA in packing 0,33л, the price nearby 2,7$ for bank, but for Europe it is ordered as "accessories" under the catalogue by number 082069002. So address to official dealers Honda, demand a liquid as accessories, after all it is twice cheaper (though they about it can and not know).
And what about capacity for example at Civic? Civic'и happen different, for example Сivic "96 (EJ9, EK1, EK3, EK4...) system Capacity - 0,85л., tank capacity - 0,4л., total: 1,25л.
Whether Еcть experience of commixing native and American? Only Genium Honda PSF, and the manufacturer - any, American PSF makes American Honda Motor Co., and the liquid has catalogue number, as any original spare part Honda. As far as I know, Honda the liquid structure keeps a secret and the licence for manufacture of liquid PSF gave nobody. And for liquid Johnsen's power steering fluid for Honda cars I tell I can nothing, besides, that it is a liquid STEREOTYPED. At the best, the structure of this liquid is approximately similar to structure original Hona PSF, in the worst this liquid is made on Small Arnautsky. In any case, I think to risk it is not necessary, and if a fluid level in a car tank even below the minimum mark terrible in it anything is not present, after all the fence a liquid to be made from the bottom branch pipe, and the top branch pipe is return. And that there would be no doubts what to pour, it is necessary to glance in the catalogue of applicability of oils for Honda any large firm, for example Mobil in which it will be written about the following: 'the Servocontrol: the Special (original) liquid for a servocontrol (Honda V)'